云南大学始建于1922年,是我国西部边疆最早建立的综合性大学之一。云南大学于1996年被首批列入国家 “211工程”重点建设大学,2001年被列入西部大开发重点建设院校,2004年成为教育部和云南省人民政府重点共建高校。
2012年,学校成立了国际学院,作为全面开展国际化办学的重要平台,为我校国际化学术研究和人才培养奠定了基础。云南大学将利用人才集中、学科齐全、 合作范围广、学术影响大的优势及毗邻东南亚、南亚国家的地缘优势,在更大范围内寻求发展空间,加快学校国际化进程,为云南省跨越式发展提供人力资源和智力 支持,建设中国面向西南开放的“高等教育桥头堡”,成为我国面向东南亚、南亚和印度洋周边地区的重要国际人才培养基地。
云南大学国际学院在中国留学服务中心的指导下,正积极推进开展出国培训项目。目前国际学院已与美国伊利诺伊理工学院—芝加哥肯特法学院、美国新墨西哥大 学、北亚利桑那大学;英国赫瑞·瓦特大学、赫尔大学、朴茨茅斯大学、考文垂大学、中央兰开夏大学;澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学、迪肯大学、斯文本科技大学、悉尼 科技大学;新西兰梅西大学、惠灵顿维多利亚大学等建立伙伴关系、准备签署合作协议,在本科阶段开展合作项目,法学、经济学、国际商务、财务管理、会计、市 场营销、金融、管理、计算机等领域开展合作。同时,与瑞典巴尔默大学、丹麦罗斯基勒大学、挪威卑尔根大学,瑞士苏黎世应用科学大学、荷兰奈耶诺德商业大 学、越南河内大学,泰国朱拉隆功大学、阿根廷美洲联合大学等正积极与国际学院联系,推进全英文授课的学生交换项目和短期留学修读学分项目。
On January 4th, 2013, the opening ceremony for Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange in China (CSCSE)/Yunnan University Study Abroad Training Center was held in Yunnan University. From then on, Yunnan University became formally the university that works together with CSCSE to construct Study Abroad Training Center.
The establishment of Study Abroad Training Center is an important step for CSCSE to standardize market order and set an example for studying abroad, and to promote effectively the sound development of international education cause in China. CSCSE has established several study abroad training centers with such well-known domestic universities as Beijing Foreign Studies University since April, 2007. CSCSE/Yunnan University Study Abroad Training Center is the twelfth one.
CSCSE/Yunnan University Study Abroad Training Center (SATC) dedicates to providing participants who study abroad at their own expense with systematic training and comprehensive service for studying foreign language and going abroad through relying on the excellent faculty and high-quality teaching resources at Yunnan University, and using international advanced teaching patterns. The Study Abroad Training Base has built cooperating relationship with different institutions from United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, Canada, Korea, Thailand, etc., and designed a series of training courses which have been accredited by these institutions. Students who completed the training courses at SATC will be given the opportunity to further their study abroad and get a part of their credits waived. Yunnan University SATC program provides students a bridge to study abroad and access to high-quality education resources.
Currently, Yunnan University SATC has developed training programs in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The first group of students in undergraduate level started their study at SATC in September 2014. Meanwhile, the SATC has cooperated with Illinois Institute of Technology to develop the training program for Master's Degree in Public Administration, and signed cooperation agreement with Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand, launching a joint Doctoral training program.